St. Francis of Assisi School

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Yes! I'd like to Volunteer!

I want to confirm my volunteer status!

Thank you for volunteering and sharing your time & talents!  Please complete the form below to confirm your volunteer status.  All staff and volunteers must be current with the Safe Environment Program, which includes a background check, VIRTUS training and signed Church policies and procedures.

Required fields marked with an asterisk *

I have a student currently enrolled at St. Francis of Assisi School.*
Answer Required
Oldest child homeroom and teacher*
Answer Required
I'd like to volunteer for the following spring events:*
(check all that apply)
Answer Required

Thank you for volunteering your time to help make our events a success!  You are appreciated. 

Once your volunteer status is confirmed, you will receive a link to the event sign up of your choice.  Questions?  Please contact the school office at 206-243-5690 -- we are happy to help.

Confirmation Email
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