STEM LEGO ROBOTICS -- Mondays K-3rd Grade
By Play-Well
THEME: Adventure in STEM
Let your imagination run wild with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineer-designed projects and use special pieces to create your own unique designs! Projects are rotated seasonally to ensure that both new and returning students can explore the endless creative possibilities of the LEGO® building system.
WHEN: Mondays, 3:05 – 4:35 PM (1.5 hours)
SESSION: Apr 7 - Jun 2 (no class 4/21, 5/26) - 7 weeks
WHERE: Unity 1
WHO: K-3rd Grade
LIMIT: Min 10/ Max 16 students
FEE: $ 220
Apr 7, 14, 28 |
May 5, 12, 19 |
June 2 |
No class |
4/21, 5/26 |
MONDAY ART WORKSHOPS -- Mondays K-8th Grade
By Dani Meyers
Love art? Makes seasonal themed masterpieces that you don’t get to do during the school day. Sign up with a friend and get creative! Materials provided. A light snack will be offered. Bring your own water bottle.
WHEN: Mondays, time based on session - see below!
DATES: See below for dates and sign up for individual session!
WHO: K-8th Grade
LIMIT: see below
WHERE: Art Room
FEE: see below (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
WHEN: Mondays or Fridays, 3:05 - 4:35 PM (1hr 30 min)
DATES: See below for dates and sign up for individual classes!
WHO: K-2nd Grade
LIMIT: 3min/5max
WHERE: Parish Hall Kitchen
FEE: $38/class (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
CHESS -- Tuesdays K-8th Grade
By Chess Wizards
Join Chess Wizards' chess lessons! This class is for all skill levels of students.
WHEN: Tuesdays, 3:05 - 4:05 PM (1 hr.)
SESSION: 9 weeks
WHERE: Library
WHO: Beginners to Pros
LIMIT: Min 10/ Max 20 students
FEE: $ 225
Apr 1, 8, 15, 29 |
May 6, 13, 20, 27 |
June 3 |
No Class |
4/22 |
KARATE -- Tuesday's K-5th Grade
By NW School of Karate
Join Sensei Greg Sommers-Herivel, a third degree black belt instructor, for fun, fitness, discipline, self defense, self respect and confidence.
Empowerment for everyone! No prior experience required.
WHEN: Tuesday, 3:05 - 4:05 PM
DATES: Apr 1 - Jun 3
WHO: K-5th Grade
WHERE: Unity Place 1
LIMIT: 10min/ 20max
FEE: $150 (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
Apr 1, 8, 15, 29 |
May 6, 13, 20, 27 |
Jun 3 |
No Class |
4/22 |
COOKING -- Tuesdays 2-8th Grade
By Anne Davis
Cooking classes focus on safe practices and learning new techniques. Students get "hands-on" experience! Our STFOA students are always willing to try new ingredients, experiment with unusual combinations and are building competency in both - following directions and feeling confident to "free style".
Students typically make 4-8 recipes per class and will always take home tasty samples (when they don't eat them up before the end of class!). Anne teaches in a collaborative matter and students are encouraged to make choices frequently throughout the class. Cooking is a life-long enrichment process, and our classes reflect that sense of fun, adventure, and practicality.
Please advise if any allergies!
WHEN: Tuesdays, 3:05 - 5 PM (2 hours)
DATES: See below for dates and sign up for individual classes!
WHO: 2-8th Grade
LIMIT: 5 min/ 10max
WHERE: Parish Hall Kitchen
FEE: $38/class (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
March 25th - Sunday Dinner (Classic Recipes)
April 1st - Danish Recipes "More than just yummy pastry"
April 8th - Spanish Tapas "Tasty Tidbits - fast and fun"
April 15th - Easter Foods (We will take inspiration from all over the world)....there will be bunnies!
April 29th - Oh Canada! (Our neighbors to the north have some delicious foods too)
May 6th - Swedish Recipes (Always a favorite)
May 13th - Special Requests (Students will determine what we make!)
May 20th - Leftovers (Recipes we don't get around to the first time...and should DEFINETELY do this week!)
May 27th - Italian (a cuisine with such depth, we can do all new recipes again)
SPANISH LANGUAGE CLUB -- Tuesdays 1-8th grade
By Bridgett Cabiles
Learn or refresh your Spanish with our new Spanish club offered by our St. Francis Spanish teacher, Sra. Cabiles.
WHEN: Tuesday, 3:05 - 4:00 PM
DATES: Apr 1 - Jun 3
WHO: 1st-8th Grade
WHERE: Parish Hall
LIMIT: 10min/ 24max
FEE: $223 (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
Apr 1, 8, 15, 29 |
May 6, 13, 20, 27 |
Jun 3 |
No Class |
4/22 |
DRAMA - Wednesdays 2-8th Grade
By Kathleen Edwards – The HiLiners
This improvisation class is fun for new as well as returning students! The Hi-Liners offer a great quality program right here at our school so our children can have an opportunity to learn and grow in their performing arts and communication skills.
WHEN: Wednesdays, 2:20 - 3:20PM (1.0 hour)
DATES: Apr 2 - Jun 4
WHO: 2nd-8th Grade
WHERE: Unity Place
LIMIT: 10min/ 20max
FEE: $235 (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
Apr 2, 9, 16, 30 |
May 7, 14, 21, 28 |
Jun 4 |
No Class |
4/23 |
CODING (Scratch) - Wednesdays 2nd-4th Grade
By Coding with Kids
WHEN: Wednesdays, 2:20 - 3:20PM (1.0 hour)
DATES: Apr 2 - Jun 4
WHO: 2nd-4th Grade
WHERE: Computer Lab
LIMIT: 7min/ 16max
FEE: $225
Apr 2, 9, 16, 30 |
May 7, 14, 21, 28 |
Jun 4 |
No Class |
4/23 |
SLIME TIME! -- Thursday K-8th Grade
By Dani Meyers
WHEN: Thursday, 3:05-4:15 PM (1 hr 10 min)
DATES: May 1 - May 22
SESSION LENGTH: 4 weeks (Session 4)
WHO: K-8th Grade
WHERE: Art Room
LIMIT: 8min/ 24max
FEE: $105 (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
HANDCRAFTING -- Thursdays K-8th
By Anne Davis
Students will have a great time, try new techniques and have a safe and fun space to let their creativity shine! We generally have several different crafts each class - students always feel happy that they have accomplished several smaller projects. We have flexible classes where students are welcome to redirect the crafts if they like - change the project to suit their own vision. Our emphasis is on the joy of making more than an expectation of perfection, or only following a set pattern
WHEN: Thursdays, 3:05 - 5 PM (2 hrs)
DATES: See below for dates and sign up for individual classes
LIMIT: 5 min/ 16max
WHERE: Parish Hall
FEE: $32/each class (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
CODING (Python) - Thursdays 4th-6th Grade
By Coding with Kids
WHEN: Thursday, 3:05 - 4:05PM (1.0 hour)
DATES: Apr 3 - Jun 5
WHO: 4th-6th Grade
WHERE: Computer Lab
LIMIT: 7min/ 16max
FEE: $225
Apr 3, 10, 17 |
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 |
Jun 5 |
No Class |
4/24 |
Jump Rope for Fun & Fitness is a highly acclaimed youth Jump Rope program designed by 5 Time World Rope Jumping Champion, Cirque du Soleil performer and motivational speaker, Rene Bibaud. Rene is an educator with a special focus on youth fitness and growth mindset. Learn developmentally appropriate jump rope skills in a motivating and encouraging atmosphere; Personal, best effort, patience, practice and goal setting are the key character education pieces of our program that guide our teaching strategies and classroom management.
WHEN: Friday, 3:05 - 4:05PM (1.0 hour)
DATES: Apr 4 - Jun 6
WHO: K-8th Grade
WHERE: Unity Place 1
LIMIT: 15min/25max
FEE: $135 (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
Apr 4, 11 |
May 2, 16, 23, 30 |
Jun 6 |
No Class |
4/18, 4/25, 5/9 |
By Anne Davis
Classes designed for little ones - special smaller classes for grades K-2. Each class is planned to be a stand alone, with different recipes each session.
WHEN: Mondays or Fridays, 3:05 - 4:35 PM (1hr 30 min)
DATES: See below for dates and sign up for individual classes!
WHO: K-2nd Grade
LIMIT: 3min/5max
WHERE: Parish Hall Kitchen
FEE: $38/class (includes Stripe Credit Card Fee)
Learn how to battle with your Pokemon! By providing lessons in trading and learning how to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game, the students will learn...
WHEN: Friday, 3:05 - 4:35PM (1.5 hours)
DATES: Apr 4 - Jun 6
WHO: 2nd-6th Grade
WHERE: Parish Hall
LIMIT: 6min/18max
FEE: $210
Apr 4, 11 |
May 2, 16, 23, 30 |
Jun 6 |
No Class |
4/18, 4/25, 5/9 |