St. Francis of Assisi School

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Volunteer Opportunities



THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING & SHARING YOUR TIME & TALENTS!  All volunteers who are working with students are REQUIRED to have a background check on file with the school, and complete the VIRTUS Safe Environment class organized by the Seattle Archdiocese.  Please CLICK HERE to link to the current Volunteer Requirements.
For an overview of school events and activities that you can volunteer at, please refer to the Volunteer Opportunities Overview (linked).
LIBRARY HELP FOR MARCH & APRIL 2025:  Help out Ms. Bellamy with cataloging and shelving our fabulous book collection. Extra hands are needed for various projects -- this contributes to your General volunteer requirements.  Please CLICK HERE for details and to sign up.  Questions?  Contact Ms. Bellamy or call the school office at 206-243-5690.
BOOK FAIR VOLUNTEER:  Monday, March 31st - Friday, April 4th.  This contributes to your Fundraising Volunteer hours -- please CLICK HERE for confirmation of volunteer status.  Once this confirmation is submitted and confirmed, you will receive an email with the specific details and links to sign up.  Questions?  Contact the school office at 206-243-5690.
JOIN THE AUCTION TEAM!:  Would you like to help make this year's auction a HUGE success on Saturday, May 3rd?  Consider joining our Auction Team!  
These contribute to your Fundraising volunteer requirements.  Your participation and support make a tremendous difference!  Please contact Amy Rosenfield with any questions.
GRANDPARENTS & GRAND-FRIENDS DAY:  Friday, May 9th.  This contributes to your General Volunteer hours -- please CLICK HERE for confirmation of volunteer status.  Once this confirmation is submitted and confirmed, you will receive an email with the specific details and links to sign up.  Questions?  Contact the school office at 206-243-5690.
FIELD DAY:  Friday, May 30th.  This contributes to your General Volunteer hours -- please CLICK HERE for confirmation of volunteer status.  Once this confirmation is submitted and confirmed, you will receive an email with next steps and links to sign up.  Questions?  Contact the school office at 206-243-5690.
SCRIP PROGRAM:  Volunteer to sell/organize SCRIP!  These contribute to your Fundraising volunteer hours.  SCRIP Info Form (linked)  Questions?  Please contact our coordinators at [email protected].
MORNING CARPOOL:  Help out our Morning Dream Team!  We begin at 8:05 am (you're coming to school anyway).  Help greet families, open car doors if needed, and stack cones at the end of carpool -- around 8:40 am.  This satisfies your General Volunteer requirements if done consistently.  Please CLICK HERE (linked) for details and to sign up.  Questions?  Please contact Ms. Nason at [email protected].
FRIDAY FAMILY ENVELOPE STUFFER:  Friday mornings, beginning at 8:45 am.  Help out in the office stuffing family envelopes.  This can be anywhere between 1-2 hours depending on the number of flyers, etc.  This contributes to your General Volunteer hours -- please CLICK HERE for dates & details.  Questions?  Contact Ms. Nason in the school office at 206-243-5690.
HOMEWORK CLUB:  Helpers needed to monitor and assist students in Homework Club.  Multiple days available, and your student(s) can attend EDP free of charge while you are here!  Two (2) people per day needed -- Monday - Thursday.  Please CLICK HERE for details and to sign up.  This commitment will satisfy all your General volunteer hours.  Questions?  Please contact Anita Aleaga, EDP Director at 206-619-2686.
CYO:  Help our teams get ready for the season!  These hours contribute to your General volunteer requirements.
  • Uniforms:  Wash, dry, inventory the team uniforms
  • Photography:  Take team photos, action shots -- let your inner Phillipe Helmsman shine!
Questions or to volunteer -- please contact Brieana Paice ([email protected]) or the school office at 206-243-5690.
MUSIC MINISTRY:  Our church choir is meeting for rehearsals again and we are welcoming anyone who would like to join us!  Our rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:00pm (2-3 times a month) and we typically sing at 10:00 mass (2-3 times a month).  Your time contributes to your General volunteer hours.  If you are interested, please email Denise Duque for details and a rehearsal/Mass schedule.
EVERY LITTLE BIT CAN HELP (ELBCH):  ELBCH responds to requests for assistance from several charitable organizations including Catholic Community Services and St. Vincent de Paul conferences. Whether providing a replacement recliner or furnishing an entire apartment, our aim is to respond quickly by finding and delivering the items to fill the need.  To continue this work, ELBCH is seeking: volunteers including those interested in leading the ministry into the future, financial support, item donations of lightly used furniture and household goods, and warehouse space.  Volunteering with ELBCH contributes to General volunteer hours.
Please click below to read more about the work of the group.



If you have questions, please contact the school office at 206-243-5690.

Thank you so much for the time you give our school.